The Millennial Veteran
3 min readJul 7, 2021


6 Things I’m Doing in my 2nd Pregnancy that I Wish I did in my 1st

  1. I’m abusing my pregnancy privileges

The card I am taking out of my wallet the most is my PREGNANCY CARD. I am pulling it.. swiping it… showing it as ID because this is my last pregnancy and I am going to milk it until it’s dry. There are ways to do this without being OBNOXIOUS… which is fun, just not my brand. People love to help expecting mothers and I am swallowing all my pride to graciously say YES PLEASE. People offering to take back my shopping cart, to grab me a coffee, or even let me go rest for a bit, I am going to accept with a smile. I tried to be “strong” the first go around, but being truly strong is acknowledging the fact that I need help.

2. Getting help with my diet

Planning healthy meals is STRESSFUL. This is especially true when you are trying to please a toddler who would be perfectly content eating mac & cheese for every meal. Nutrition is so important during pregnancy and blah blah blah I couldn’t help but feel like I wasn’t getting what I needed. There is so much advice out there for expecting moms on what to eat and what not to eat, and then the next year it changes… Why not leave this up to someone else? With my 2nd pregnancy I had less patience for research and just wanted to tell someone what I needed and then they would give me a plan. So that’s what I did. I got a registered dietitian through Natus Wellness and haven’t stressed about food since. I have been maintaining a healthy weight and even raised my energy levels while dealing with anemia. Natus has been great because I get telehealth sessions, unlimited email access, accountability & check ins and a ton of recipes!

Here is my affiliate link in case you wanna check it out:

3. Caring less about others’ opinions

Expecting moms get so much advice or tips and of course it all comes from the BEST of intentions.. no sarcasm… However, it can be overwhelming. This time I am trying my best to take unsolicited advice a little more light-hearted. This includes nurses and doctors too. I am not saying I am ignoring medical advice, but I am advocating more for myself instead of going with the status quo.

4. Not obsessing over every body change

OH MY GOSH… When I say I put coconut oil on my stomach at least 5 times a day during my first pregnancy… I am not exaggerating. I was obnoxiously obsessed about stretch marks and gaining too much weight. It caused myself so much more anxiety than needed. Changes are normal, you just have to love your body and appreciate the incredible miracle it is performing. Of course this is easier said than done. It takes a lot of mental work to achieve this, but if you are feeling insecure about your body changes know you are not alone! There are some great resources on Youtube and so many other moms to empathise alongside.

5. Taking magnesium DAILY

IFYKYK… (if you know you know) your bowel system gets backed up PAINFULLY during those 9 months before birth. Sometimes the medication we take can increase the problem too! Magnesium has been a natural way I can regulate myself and prevent being backed up. I was originally recommended to take magnesium for my headaches and slowly realized all of the benefits that came along with it. It’s not for everyone, but LOOK into it.

Plus it’s cheap, under 7$ on Amazon. Link here:

6. I am being selfish

I hate even calling it selfish because that gives it a somewhat negative connotation and it is 100% a positive! I am letting myself rest, canceling plans left and right, and utilizing all of my husband’s offers to help. I have been taking nice long baths, taking my time getting ready, and realizing I am not the only person who has to be in charge of everything.

